dijous, 24 de juliol del 2008

Karadzik arrest: a step towards justice

A man who wrote poetry and was a specialist in psychiatry. A man who is indicted for being the mastermind of inhumane and brutal detention camps, ethnic cleansing, the siege of Sarajevo and the horror of Srebrenica. Justice must be made.

Although I’m very happy for this event I feel disappointed, in a sense that once again this is a result of Serbian interests to join EU, not a truly recognition to his victims. Furthermore, another architect, Ratko Mladic continues on his run and without his arrest justice can’t be achieved.

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Well its nice.

line of credit

Anònim ha dit...

Tot i que és evident que hi ha un interès de Sèrbia per entrar a la UE. Crec que l'actual president Boris Tadic també té interès a passar pàgina i allunyar-se del nacionalisme radical serbi. Cal recordar que es va enfrontar a l'ex "premier" Kostunica i li van matar l'amic i primer ministre Zoran Djinjic.
També cal recordar que fins que els Balcans no siguin dins Europa, la UE no serà complerta. És una necessitat històrica i la UE ho deu a uns pobles que no va saber ajudar.

Anònim ha dit...

Gracies per bloc intiresny