A man who wrote poetry and was a specialist in psychiatry. A man who is indicted for being the mastermind of inhumane and brutal detention camps, ethnic cleansing, the siege of
Although I’m very happy for this event I feel disappointed, in a sense that once again this is a result of Serbian interests to join EU, not a truly recognition to his victims. Furthermore, another architect, Ratko Mladic continues on his run and without his arrest justice can’t be achieved.
3 comentaris:
Well its nice.
line of credit
Tot i que és evident que hi ha un interès de Sèrbia per entrar a la UE. Crec que l'actual president Boris Tadic també té interès a passar pàgina i allunyar-se del nacionalisme radical serbi. Cal recordar que es va enfrontar a l'ex "premier" Kostunica i li van matar l'amic i primer ministre Zoran Djinjic.
També cal recordar que fins que els Balcans no siguin dins Europa, la UE no serà complerta. És una necessitat històrica i la UE ho deu a uns pobles que no va saber ajudar.
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