Now, do you see what is behind me? No, I'm not referring to the tour Eiffel. I want to talk about the monument for peace (Monument pour la paix). It was "illegalment construit" in 2000 and neighbors have fought for its demolition. I kind of sympathize with a claim for peace just in front of the École Militaire (Military school). There is a political discussion about this subject, but hurry up to take a shot of it before it is finally demolished.
All letters that Rachida Dati (Maire du 7ème) has sent and received related to it can be read in the website of the Mairie of the 7ème. I really recommend the one sent to Mitterrand Jr.
However, if you are a tourist what probably has annoyed you when walking in Champs the Mars (the name of the gardens where it is placed) is an armyt of vendeurs à la sauvette (illegal sellers of souvenirs). Our lovely neighbors also mind about them.